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Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees Vem Magalenha rojão,traz a lenha pro fogão,vem...
Vem Magalenha rojão,traz a lenha pro fogão,vem fazer armação.Hoje é um dia de sol,alegria de coió,é curtir o verão.O calangulango,do calango da pretinha,to cantando essa mudinha pra senhora se lembrar,daquele tempo que vivia lá na roça com uma filha na barriga e outra filha pra cria.Oariá raiô,obá,mas que nada,sai da minha frente,Eu quero passar,Pois o samba está animado,O que eu quero é sambar,Este samba,Que é misto de maracatu,É samba de preto velho,Samba de preto tu,Um samba como esse tão legal,Você não vai querer.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Magalenha
Kroasies Dođi Magdalenha praskalice, donesi drva za
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels The truth is a stranger Soul is in danger I...
The truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger I gotta let my spirit be free
To admit that I’m wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind
I can’t waste time so give it a moment
No need to worry about everything I’ve done
Live every second like it was my last one
It’s not about taking sides
When I looked in the mirror didn’t deliver
It hurt enough to think that I could stop
Admit that I’m wrong and then change my mind

Vertalings gedaan
Kroasies Istina je stranac
Source language
Grieks Eisai asteri opos kai na to kanoyme. ...
Eisai asteri opos kai na to kanoyme. Ena kafe me thn parth soy na doyme pote tha katafero na pio!
Transliteration accepted by irini <Lilian>

Vertalings gedaan
Engels You are a star
Kroasies Ti si zvijezda, bez obzira na sve
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Grieks Kardia Mou Min Anisixeis
Kardia Mou Min Anisixeis
song Antonis Remos - Kardia Mou Min Anisixeis

Transliteration accepted by User10.

Vertalings gedaan
Serwies Ne brini, srce moje.
Engels Don't worry my life
Bosnies Ne brini, srce moje.
Masedonies Не се секирај, срце мое.
Kroasies Ne brini, srce moje
Source language
Sweeds Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
Proverb. Please... if it's possible, write a comment in the note how your equivalence to this saying should be translated --> English. (word-by-word)

Vertalings gedaan
Pools Puste beczki hałasują najgłośniej.
Engels Empty barrels make the most noise.
Russies Пустая бочка пуще гремит.
Spaans Los toneles vacíos son los que más ruido hacen.
Bulgaars Празните кофи тракат най-много.
Portugees Os tonéis vazios são os que mais ruído fazem.
Esperanto Malplenaj bareloj bruas pleje
Brasiliaanse Portugees Os barris vazios são os que fazem mais barulho.
Frans Les fûts vides font le plus de bruit.
Nederlands Holle vaten
Deens Tønder
Litaus Proverb
Albanies Fuçitë e boshe bëjnë më shumë zhurmë.
Romeens Butoaiele goale fac cel mai mult zgomot.
Serwies Prazna burad najveću buku prave
Bosnies Prazne bačve čine najviše buke.
Turks BoÅŸ variller
Farsie-Persies طبل غازی
Italiaans I botti vuoti fanno il più grande rumore.
Klingon chuSchu' qegh buy'Ha'
Hebreeus חביות ריקות גורמות לרעש הרב ביותר
Noors Tomme tønner bulrer mest.
Bretons Fustoù goullo zo ar re drouzusañ.
Grieks Τα άδεια βαρέλια κάνουν τον περισσότερο θόρυβο.
Latyn Dolia vacua strepitum maximum faciunt.
Katalaans Els tonells buits són els que més soroll fan.
Arabies البارميل الفارغة تسبب معضم الضجيج
Hongaars Az üres hordók csinálják a legnagyobb zajt.
Yslands Bylur hæst í tómri tunnu.
Fœroese Tómar tunnur buldra mest.
Mongools Хоосон хэнгэрэгний дуу нь чанга
Antieke grieks Οἱ βάτοι κενοί τὸν θόρυβον μέγιστον ποιοῦσιν.
Duits Leere Tonnen
Oekraïenies Порожня бочка дужче гримить
Sjinees vereenvoudig 一桶不响,半桶晃荡
Tsjeggies Prázdné sudy zvoní nejhlasitěji.
Sjinees 一桶不響,半桶晃蕩
Letties Tukša muca tālu skan.
Slowaaks Prázdne sudy zvučia najhlasnejšie.
Afrikaans Leë vate
Fins Tyhjät tynnyrit kolisevat eniten.
Hindi अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.
Kroasies Prazne bačve
Masedonies Празните кофи повеќе врева прават.
187Source language187
Duits Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles
Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles

Vertalings gedaan
Engels My sweetie..
Turks Aşkım seni herşeyden çok seviyorum
Russies Мое сокровище, я люблю тебя больше всех на свете.
Bosnies Drago moje, volim te više nego ikoga.
Romeens Comoara mea, te iubesc mai presus de tot.
Slowaaks Môj miláčik
Bulgaars Съкровище мое, от ..
Serwies Draga moja volim te iznad svega.
Italiaans Tesoro mio, ti amo prima di ogni cosa!
Brasiliaanse Portugees Minha querida, amo você acima de tudo
Tsjeggies Můj miláčku, nade vše tě miluji
Arabies عزيزي أحبّك قبل كلّ شيء
Hongaars Kincsem, mindennél jobban imádlak.
Grieks Γλυκιά μου...
Deens Min skat, jeg elsker dig over alt
Fins Kultaseni, rakastan sinua yli kaiken
Nederlands Mijn schatje, ik hou meer van je dan van wat dan ook.
Portugees Minha querida, amo-te acima de tudo.
Oekraïenies моє щастя!
Spaans Tesoro mío
Albanies Shpirti im, të dua për së tepërmi.
Koreaans 나의 사랑, 어떤 일이 있어도 나는 너를 사랑해.
Frans Mon amour, je t'aime plus que tout.
Mongools Би чамд хамгаас илvv хайртай
Sjinees 我的甜心,我对你的爱高于一切!
Kroasies Drago moje
Farsie-Persies عزیزم، تو را از هر چیزی بیشتر دوست دارم.
Antieke grieks Ὦ χρυσίον, σὲ φιλέω ὑπὲρ τῶν ἄλλων.
Source language
Duits Aphorisme 44
Stell dir vor,
dass alle, die nur fordern,
wüssten, welches Gefühl es ist,
zu geben.
Fransösisch aus Frankreich

Vertalings gedaan
Engels aphorism 44
Frans Aphorisme 44
Italiaans Immagina
Russies Афоризм 44
Spaans Aforismo 44
Kroasies Afroizam 44
10Source language10
Spaans Es una asesina, ella conlleva la medicina...
Es una asesina, ella conlleva la medicina.
Engañadora que te envuelve y te domina.
Una abusadora, ella como sabe te devora
y si no tienes experiencia te enamora.
Una especialista para que te ponga ella a la vista, para ser hechizera un hombre en su vista
que si es maliciosa. Yo que la traté como una diosa. Me engañó y ahora me llama como loca.

Presea, dale presea si ya no estamos juntos otra mujer me jaldea.
Presea, dale presea que pocos son los indios y hay mucha india en la aldea. Sabes...

no dejes pa' mañana, no dejes que te lo lleva
diacritics edited <Lilian>

Vertalings gedaan
Engels She's a murderer, she conveys the medicine...
Serwies Ona je ubica, prenosi medicinu...
Bosnies Ona je ubojica, ona dostavlja lijek...
Kroasies Ona je ubojica, ona donosi lijek.
Source language
Engels Six trading funds were established in Hong Kong:...
Six trading funds were established in Hong Kong, namely, the Companies Registry and Land Registry, Sewage Services, Office of the Telecommunication Authority and Post Office and Electrical and Mechanical Services.

Vertalings gedaan
Serwies Šest trgovačkih fondova osnovano je u Hongkongu:...
Kroasies Osnovano je šest trgovačkih fondova u Hong Kongu
21Source language21
Engels hey hajdi. i think you did good with your...
hey hajdi. i think you did good with your translation:) hope you have a good day and see you soon:)

Vertalings gedaan
Serwies zdravo hajdi, mislim da si dobro..
Kroasies Ćao Hajdi. Mislim da si dobro...
Source language
Russies О судьбе
Смотрел с волнением немым, как колесо вертелось счастья. Один был вознесён, другой раздавлен им...
В русском языке ест фраза "Колесо счастья". Эту фразу использовал Лермонтов.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels About fate
Serwies О судбини
Bosnies O sudbini
Kroasies O sudbini
Masedonies Гледав со возбуда и нем, како се врти тркалото на среќта. Некој беше воздигнат, а друг скршен..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serwies Necuveno neosetljvo i bezobrazno bice! Bez reci....
Necuveno neosetljvo i bezobrazno bice! Bez reci. Necu vise da ista znam o tebi.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Unhearted being
Romeens Fiinţă fără inimă
Source language
Serwies Pozdrav iz grada
miris vrućeg asfalta
lijepi se za nove japanke
u Å¡etnji gradom
pored rijeke
u oku – oko
previše su tamne naočale
u ruci sladoled bez arome
rijeka prolazi kraj mene
pozdravlja šeširom
na pješačkom mostu žene
glasno tjeraju mladića

na posljednji skok.
Please can you translate this into English?

Vertalings gedaan
Engels the smell of hot asphalt
Source language
Albanies Mos ja falni
Para se para se, une te vij,
largoni teshat e saj.
Mos leni fotografi,
mos ta kujtoj ate gru plot faj
para se une te shkoj n'gurbet,
u betu se ka me me prit.
Ka ardh koha me kijamet,
kur shkon nana i len femijt.

Kur te del ajo prej shpis,
largoni gjitha gjanat.
Mos leni asnji kujtim
kalljani krejt fustanat.
Dhe haltallin kur kerkon,
mos ja falni, mos ja falni.
Veq femijet kur perqafon,
mos ja ndalni, mos ja ndalni!

Para se para se t'kthehem une,
lotet e mi une do ti sbraze.
Do te vuaj dhe me shume,
lot ne sy me s'ka me pase.
Para se para se t'shoh femijet,
e marr forcen e dynjas.
Neper naten ti sjell drite
nane e babe tash kan mem pas.
The song 'Mos ja falni' by Sinan Vllasaliu.

Vertalings gedaan
Bosnies Nemojte joj oprostiti
Engels Don't forgive her
Duits Verzeihen Sie ihr nicht
Source language
Kroasies Mi plešemo I zato, što sam tako mlad Što sam...
Mi plešemo

I zato, Å¡to sam tako mlad
Å¡to sam tako mlad.
I zato, Å¡to ne mogu
s tobom drugačije.

I zato, Å¡to nemamo kamo,
Å¡to nemamo.
I yato Å¡to nemamo love
za skupe provode.

Mi plešemo
cjeli dan i noć.
Mi plešemo,
cjeli dan i noć-

Vertalings gedaan
Engels We dance
Source language
Romeens Bine, sună mâine.
Bine, sună mâine. Numai să ştii dacă e mare lucru. El, după aceea, rămâne aici. Te salut.
Salut fratele
Radi se o poruci sa mobilnog telefona koji ne mogu da prevedem jer ne znam rumunski jezik.
Zato molim da mi pomognete i prevedete gornji tekst na srpski jezik. Hvala.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels OK, call tomorrow...
Bosnies U redu, nazovi sutra...
Serwies OK, zovi sutra...
Kroasies OK, call tomorrow... ENG
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serwies predomislio sam se pizdo znala...
predomislio sam se

pizdo znala sam.... LEPOTO MOGA SNA Ljube te puno Kruna i

Vertalings gedaan
Nederlands Ik ben van gedachte veranderd, kutwijf ik wist het wel...
Engels I've changed my mind
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serwies picko jedna ajde vise dolazi NEDOSTAJES MI!
picko jedna ajde vise dolazi NEDOSTAJES MI!

Vertalings gedaan
Engels You maun, come already I MISS YOU!!
Source language
Serwies blago onom ko te ima
blago onom ko te ima

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The one that has you is lucky.
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